24 Hour Adventure? Sign me up Cotopaxi!

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Cotopaxi is a company that "makes gear for good". They are a company dedicated to empowering their employees and customers to go out and make business more about the positive impact on the world instead of making a profit. You can see this mission all over their website as well as portrayed through their social media. The company has also developed a campaign called the Cotopaxi Questival, a 24-hour adventure race where you run around a city with your friends completing various tasks with your "GEAR FOR GOOD" flag! If you haven't heard of them- I would suggest checking them out here because they are rad!


Questival is a new, fresh and unique campaign that is taking over Cotopaxi's social media.  This competition that challenges people to fitness, food, service, adventure and more has started posting pictures on their own social media account, promoting more and more people to get involved with the quest.  If you go to the Cotopaxi Questival account, you can 

see pictures of challenges sent in by the Questival racers themselves! I think this is a really cool way Cotopaxi is involving their customers not only on their social media but in their mission as well! Right now, Questival is promoting their next adventure coming up, the Oktoberquest. I think they are doing a great job of using old quester's pictures to get more participants excited for the event. 

There isn't another company that has created a 24-hour adventure race, which makes Cotopaxi extremely unique especially with what they are doing on social media. Not only are the pictures eye-catching, but they tell a story, and invite the viewer to be involved in the story. Story-telling is a great way to bring people in and I believe Cotopaxi is number one when it comes to an innovative way to invite others to be a part of the story. 
After looking at Cotopaxi's social media and the Questival, I know I'll be signing up next year in the summer. . . 

Anyone want to start a team?! 


  1. This sounds super cool! Do all the challenges include fitness, food, service, and adventure or are there separate ones for just food or fitness?

  2. This is super cool! I like how Cotopaxi focuses on the well being of their customers and employees instead of just making money! I'm definitely going to check these out!

  3. Love the idea that they exist to empower their employees and customers. It's so cool that the Questival ties into their values of empowerment and adventure!

  4. Abby, this is SO cool! For some reason it reminded me of geocaching because it's like a small community that is all on an adventure toward a common goal! I love that they involve fitness or service for the common good on these adventures too- it's like a bonus. Definitely going to look into it.


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