Hello World, My Name is Abby.


  1. It was super cool reading your influences and goals! I hope you get to accomplish all of that!!

  2. Awesome goals! Where were you in Costa Rica?

    1. I lived in Puriscal for 11 months with a host family! It is a small mountain town about an hour from the capital San Jose, and about an hour from the beach Jaco!

  3. I love the design of this post!! How did you get all of the cool graphics? Did you do it in Blogger or is it from an outside program?

    1. Thanks I am glad you like it because I wanted my first post to be something fun! I actually messed around in Canva with it- it's a very basic graphic design program online for free!!

  4. Loving the creativity behind the design of your post. The three layers are visually pleasing and I like that they are all connected to your main picture! Great work!

  5. I really liked this post! I love the design and it caught my eye immediately!

  6. Your passion for adventure inspires me. You have already had so many opportunities to travel abroad and your future goals seem to reflect a desire to continue that. Additionally, as a whole this post is very aesthetically pleasing. Well done.

  7. Abby! I share the same passion for travel. I was actually able to visit Madrid while I was studying abroad in Florence. It was amazing. As far as your pancake food truck, please make that happen and I would be your biggest customer! PS. Amazing blog sytle!

    1. I hope you loved Madrid because I had an absolute blast! I wasn't able to make it to Florence unfortunately, but I know I will explore Italy one day.
      Also, thank you so much for your enthusiasm with Abby's Flippin' Flapjacks! I hold pancakes to a high standard so hopefully this dream will become a reality one day!

  8. Like the layout of your blog and reading your experiences studying abroad. I am hoping to travel abroad right after graduation and Madrid is on my list!

  9. Very nice blog, I like a lot how its decorated! Really nice experiences abroad, hope you enjoyed Madrid!
    Jose Casals

  10. I loved reading this! Traveling is such a cool thing to experience and it's awesome you've been fortunate to have many of these experiences it seems. I love that you love food (: have you tried the Kodiak Cakes protein flapjack and waffle mix?? (i think that's what it is called!)

  11. Your design on this post is awesome! I love how the dream jobs you listed are all so unique and different from one another.


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